Former Projects

  • “Elf hut by the creek”

    With its application entitled “Elf hut by the creek” the Kismaros Kindergarten aims to present the benefits of outdoor education
  • Eco-classroom

    The László Németh Primary School and Art School in Göd plans to build an Eco-classroom at its schoolyard.
  • Green Island

    With the application entitled “Green Island” the Vokány Kindergarten and Canteen aims to shape the environment-related attitudes of children and their family.
  • Outdoor educational space and playground

    The winner from the catchment area of Pécs, the Association for the Balokány Park, plans to establish an outdoor educational space and playground.
  • Bird-friendly sample garden and educational trail

    The Walnut Tree Foundation from Vác visualized a bird-friendly sample garden and education trail
  • Outdoor waiting room

    The application of the Women Together Successfully Association contained plans for the transformation and renewal of the green area surrounding the health care complex in Siklós.
  • Rézsű Playground

    With the Rézsű Playground the Palkonya-based association provides a unique recreational opportunity for local communities as well as visitors, promoting not only natural values, but also environmental awareness and a healthy lifestyle.
  • Hétágfa Educational Trail

    In 2020 the Hétágfa Association established a special forest path called the Hétágfa Educational Trail.
  • Together Park of Nógrád

    The Together Park located in the village of Nógrád is a barefoot educational trail which helps children to get familiar with nature and its beauties and treasures at an early age.
  • Outdoor Ecoroom

    The complex outdoor Ecoroom, created by the Árpád Foundation in Vác, provides the opportunity for the students of the Árpád Fejedelem Primary School to study outdoors and thus to observe natural phenomena from close. DDC provided HUF 1.5 million sponsorship for the realization of the project.
  • Educational trail at the Verőce kindergarten

    In the kindergarten of Verőce an educational trail was implemented by rethinking the garden and already existing stations, while installing completely new ones, in the spirit of sustainability and environmental awareness.
  • Rigóder Hill

    The winner from Pécs introduced changes in the Rigóder Hill leisure park that serve the protection of nature.
  • Tale Garden

    „A Bártfa utcai tagóvoda gyermekeiért” Foundation in Pécs made a wide-ranging transformation of the nursery yard in 2019. The main goal of the Tale Garden project is to create a sustainable, environmentally friendly environment for children. DDC supported the realization of the kindergarten’s plans with HUF 750.000.
  • Living, Livable Court

    The Living, Livable Court project, devised by the Meszesért Foundation plans to create a green area in the Meszes Primary School in Pécs, which provides a healthy environment for the entire school community and provides an opportunity to experience natural values. This Green Solution was supported by DDC with HUF 700.000.
  • Green Heart of Szokolya

    The project of Szokolyai Cseh Péter Primary School creates an ecological, bird-friendly teaching and experience garden with the help of the 1.5 million HUF support, wich provided by DDC.
  • Educational Grove

    The Educational Grove tender in Siklós aim to create a community space that, besides the efficient use of the area, serves the environmentally conscious operation of the infrastructure. DDC supported the realization of the plans by nearly HUF 1.4 million.
  • „My House! - My Castle!"

    The "My house! - My castle!"project is an active house, which is well connected to their eco-friendly operation. Next year's development will be closely related to the elements of the kölyÖKOpark, wich built in 2017. For the project, DDC provides 600.000 HUF.
  • Rosegarden

    The aim of the project is the development of the previously renovated Rosario of Siklós Castle, which will provide space for the environmental education of schoolchildren and preschoolers. DDC donated HUF 1 million for realization of the plans.
  • Learning about nature on the playground

    The goal of the project of Diófa Kindergarten is to introduce children to an environmentally conscious approach and to create an experience-based skill-development program by learning about nature. This Green Solution was supported by DDC with HUF 1.1 million.

  • To live in a liveable environment

    The project of Janikovszky Éva Primary School of Kozármisleny consists of the “recycling” of a part of the institution. This Green Solution was supported by DDC with HUF 1.3 million.

  • Our friend, Nature

    The kindergarten of the village of Szava launched its project in order to give such experiences to the children which enhance kindergarten-level environmental education and help them to learn what does living together with the nature means. This Green Solution was supported by DDC with HUF 1.2 million.

  • Experience Garden

    The main goal of the project of the Bártfa Primary School in Pécs is to transform the institution’s green area which is mainly used by the younger students. This Green Solution was supported by DDC with HUF 1 million.

  • Let’s go outside

    The goal of the project of Újhegy Kindergarten is to help educators teach the basics of an environmentally conscious lifestyle to the children. DDC supported the realization of the kindergarten’s plans with HUF 1.8 million.

  • Let’s play “greener”!

    The goal of the project of Siklós Kindergarten and nursery centre is to create positive emotional relationships, behaviour patterns and approach in children towards the natural and social environment. This project was supported by DDC with more than HUF 1 million.

  • Bird-Friendly Nature Trail in Beremend

    The purpose of the Napsugár Kindergarten in Beremend is to familiarise the little ones with herbs and birds, thereby teaching them to love nature and developing an eco-friendly attitude in them. This project is funded and supported in part by a HUF 1 million grant from DDC.

  • “Discovery Green Grove"

    The program implemented by Csemeteliget Full-Day Kindergarten aims to nurture environmental awareness in children and was supported by a HUF 1 million grant from DDC.

  • Bird-Friendly School Garden in Pécs

    The purpose of the bird-friendly school garden of Éltes EGYMI Eco School in Pécs is to teach children with special educational needs through experience. This project is supported by a HUF 1.5 million grant from DDC.

  • The “Garden of Miracles” project, devised by the Zöldike Alapítvány (Greenfinch Foundation) in Komló, focuses on raising environmental awareness and further improving the green efforts undertaken so far. The winning application is awarded a grant of HUF 1 million by DDC.

    "Garden of Miracles"

    The “Garden of Miracles” project, devised by the Zöldike Foundation in Komló, focuses on raising environmental awareness and further improving the green efforts undertaken so far DDC supported the projects with HUF 1 million.

  • The purpose of the “KölyÖKOpark” (Eco Kids Park), established by Dráva Kincse (Treasures of the Drava River) Kindergarten, is to familiarise the little ones with herbs and birds, thereby teaching them to love nature and developing an eco-friendly attitude in them. The implementation of this project was supported by a HUF 1 million grant from DDC.

    Eco Kids Park in Drávaszabolcs

    The purpose of the Eco Kids Park, established by Dráva Kincse Kindergarten, is to familiarise the little ones with herbs and birds, thereby teaching them to love nature and developing an eco-friendly attitude in them. The implementation of this project was supported by a HUF 1 million grant from DDC.

  • A szokolyai „Életfa program” célja a gyermekek környezettudatosságra nevelése, ezáltal a természeti értékek megismertetése és megőrzése, valamint a közös munka értékeinek megteremtése. A projekt megvalósulásához 1 millió forint támogatással járul hozzá a DDC.

    "Tree of Life Program" in Szokolya

    The “Tree of Life Program" in Szokolya aims to nurture environmental awareness in children and thereby raise awareness about and promote the conservation of natural values and the benefits of joint work. DDC supported the implementation of this project with a contribution of HUF 1 million.

  • Nature trail along the Danube River in Nagymaros

    As a result of the grant programme of the Municipality of Nagymaros, a nature trail will be created which presents the natural values ​​of the Danube Bend in an interesting way. This project is funded and supported in part by a HUF 1 million grant from DDC.

  • Bird Friendly Garden in Szava's Kindergarten

    The garden of the Szavai Kindergarten turned bird friendly. Special equipment was set up to help children get to know the birds around them, by observing the birds’ lifestyle, behaviour and their relationship to humans. This facilitates bringing up children in an environmentally friendly way, and helps them discover and appreciate the values and beauty of nature. DDC provided HUF 0.5 million sponsorship for building a bird friendly garden.

  • A DDC 2011 őszén indította útjára a Zöld Megoldás-pályázatot azzal a céllal, hogy forrást biztosítson a helyi közösségek önszerveződő kezdeményezései számára környezetük zöldebbé tételéhez és a helyi infrastruktúrák környezettudatosabb hasznosításához, valamint a természeti környezet megismerésének elősegítéséhez.

    “Green Field” Project

    The Váci Gazdászok és Kertészek, and the Táncsics Vocational School had a joint project called “Green Field” with the aim of familiarising future agriculturists with the theory and practice of sustainable development and environmentally conscious behaviour. DDC provided HUF 1.245.000 sponsorship for the realization of the school's "Green Field" project.
  • Nature's Medicines Work for You

    Improvement of the kindergarten playground at the Cházár András EGYMI in Vác created an environmentally friendly site where children with special educational needs can learn about environmentally conscious behaviour and preserving nature in accordance with their abilities. The company sponsored the project with HUF 1.755 million. 

  • Fairy Tale Track of Kővágószőlős - Jakab-hegy

    The project is designed to introduce children to the value of nature and the history of civilisation in the form of stories. DDC supported the project with HUF 1 million.
  • Community Herbarium and Educational Centre in Palkonya

    The aim of the project is to raise the awareness of local people, and especially children, of their natural surroundings through collecting and growing herbs and green spices in a herbarium, collecting mushrooms or observing unique species of butterflies. DDC donated HUF 1.5 million for realisation of the project.
  • Green Community Garden in Pécs

    The Gyermekeinkért Foundation of the Bánki Donát Primary School in Pécs created a green community garden with the support of DDC to help the environmentally conscious education of children. DDC provided HUF 0.5 million sponsorship for the realization of the green community garden.

  • Herb Garden in Villány

    The Teleki Zsigmond Agricultural Secondary School and Student Hostel in Villány aimed to create with this project a leisure park at the premises of the school, which is also suitable for teaching children about environmental protection. DDC provided HUF 1 million sponsorship for the realization of the school's project.