DDC’s responsible employer and sustainability efforts honoured

It is of paramount importance for our company that our employees are happy to work for us, and that DDC is understood as a family-friendly workplace and a responsible company with sustainable goals. Our company’s efforts to become a responsible employer have now been recognized by professional awards.

Outstanding as a responsible employer as well

OFA Nonprofit Kft. has been organizing its “Responsible Employer of the Year” competition since 2016, which aims to recognize Hungarian employers that put special value on human resources. 

In 2021 the Responsible Employer of the Year prize in the corporate category was awarded to Duna-Dráva Cement Kft.

Family first

For years, the Three Princes, Three Princesses Foundation has been honouring companies that introduce family-friendly practices in their day-to-day operation and tailor them to the needs of their employees.

Besides giving out the Family-Friendly Company of the Year grand prize, the title of “Family-Friendly Company” was awarded to 39 companies this year, among others also to DDC. This title is not given automatically, in every case it is earned by respectable achievements.

Sustainable corporate philosophy

Nowadays sustainability and environmental awareness are increasingly permeating both the social and business spheres. Everywhere in the world, companies that represent responsible and sustainable goals are gaining prominence.

In 2021 PPH Media announced the DoingGood – CSR Award for the second time to raise awareness about the importance of corporate social responsibility and to enable companies to share their campaign experiences, inspiring others as well.

Duna-Dráva Cement Kft., with its application submitted in the “Integrated CSR Projects” category earned the “special mention” recognition. This award confirms that our company has been prioritizing sustainability and environmental awareness for decades.

In recent years we have received a number of accolades that are featured on our website.

Az év felelős foglalkoztatója.

Családbarát Vállalat.

DDC Családi Nap.

Doing Good CSR Díj.