Monostori Bridge, the highest bridge on the Danube
The Monostor bridge between Komárom and Révkomárom, which is unique in that it can also be used by heavy-duty vehicles, was built by Nemzeti Infrastruktúra Fejlesztő Zrt. (NIF) and Slovenská Správa Ciest (SSC).
The project, which started in autumn 2017, included a 600-metre-long, single pylon, cable-stayed crossing between Hungary and Slovakia, 170 metres from the Komárom railway bridge. The 7,000-tonne steel structure, two-lane road bridge, which is the highest bridge on the Danube, will shorten the route for Hungarian-Slovak freight traffic by around 100 kilometres and relieve the existing bridge in Komárom. It also has a pedestrian and cycle lane.
The new bridge in Komárom was built in cooperation with Hídépítő Zrt., Mészáros és Mészáros Kft., H-M DUNAHÍD and Hódút Kft. The project was inaugurated in September 2020, for which our company supplied CEM II/B-S 42,5 N cement in quantities of around 18-20,000 tonnes.
(Source of photos: NIF Zrt.)
2903 Komárom (Hungary)
Monostori híd.
NIF Zrt.

Monostori híd.
NIF Zrt.

Monostori híd.
NIF Zrt.

Monostori híd.
NIF Zrt.

Monostori híd.
NIF Zrt.

Monostori híd.
NIF Zrt.