Megyeri Bridge
The Megyeri Bridge was opened to traffic in the second half of 2008. It connects Újpest with Budakalász. During its construction 45 600 tons of cement and 120 000 m3 of concrete were used.
"The structure of the Bridge is new in Hungary” said László Vindisch head of construction, who also mentions the new solutions and the best features: “The Megyeri Bridge is the first and highest steel cable bridge in Hungary. The scaffolding was carried out with climbing formwork technology at 100 meters and with rope access at the top. This was the first time we linked together a 560 meter long structure from one direction. Until now we have never used this technology to build a 144 meter long span, and never constructed a three-element foundation either. This was the first time we raised the elements of a bridge with two parallel cranes. The bridge is also unique because it has the largest (60 000 m2) surface in Hungary.”
"Professional groups, engineering chambers, Hungarians and foreigners came to admire the Bridge and offered the uniform praise: this is world standard. Some of them even stated with bewilderment: Hungarians are working here! And we proudly confirmed: yes, all solutions were devised by the Hungarian engineer society.”
“Looking at the imposing Megyeri Bridge it is not a surprise that Mátyás Hunyadi received the Designer Award and László Vinidsch earned the Constructor Award, which was awarded by a 560-member professional conference to the director of the project, who is extremely proud of this acclaim. If I cross the Megyeri Bridge I always remember all the Hungarian bridge builders who worked here and we salute to their masterpiece with the wonderful words of István Széchenyi:
“A bridge is more than mere stone and steel: it represents mankind’s strive to create…it makes strong connections between nations, it leads roads across in order to ease the lives of the people.”
Megyeri híd1046 Budapest (Hungary)

Megyeri Bridge.
Duna-Dráva Cement Kft.

Megyeri Bridge.
Duna-Dráva Cement Ltd.

Megyeri Bridge.
Duna-Dráva Cement Kft.

Megyeri Bridge.
Duna-Dráva Cement Kft.

Megyeri Bridge.
Duna-Dráva Cement Kft.

Megyeri Bridge.
Duna-Dráva Cement Ltd.

Megyeri Bridge.
Duna-Dráva Cement Kft.

Megyeri Bridge.
Duna-Dráva Cement Kft.

Megyeri Bridge.
Duna-Dráva Cement Kft.

Megyeri Bridge.
Duna-Dráva Cement Ltd.

Megyeri Bridge.
Duna-Dráva Cement Kft.

Megyeri Bridge.
Duna-Dráva Cement Kft.

Megyeri Bridge.
Duna-Dráva Cement Kft.

Megyeri Bridge.
Duna-Dráva Cement Ltd.

Megyeri Bridge.
Duna-Dráva Cement Kft.

Megyeri Bridge.
Duna-Dráva Cement Kft.