2. About the report

The cement industry of our age can not be compared to the one existed decades ago. Today, the principle of the sustainable development, being enforced through three basic dimensions in the fields of economy, environment and society can easily, unequivocally and clearly be recognised in our activities. When creating this report, our goal was to explain our intents in the light of these three dimensions in the most transparent and distinct way. In addi tion to our results achieved and the measures introduced in 2018, the report also defines indirectly targets to be achieved in the future to provide an even more sustainable  operation of our company.

We present the harmonisation between the business of the company group and the environment and how we keep an eye on this in every area of our activities. The report dwells on every area and activity having been changed in the past few years in favour of a more supportable future. We paint a picture showing how a sustainable company and its business environment we think should look like. The product-related responsibility is also explained in detail in our report.

Furthermore, the report covers also economic and social topics and developments playing decisive role in the operation of our company. While producing base materials, cement and concrete for long-lasting buildings, bridges and roads, we never forget the importance of the protection of our environment, our values and our society for the future generations, our children and grand-children. The excellent quality and the innovation are indispensable factors for our company, but we always keep an eye on topics of social importance as well. Year by year, our colle agues participate actively in our social contribution programs  ecognising and espousing the goals of our company. In our areas of special responsibility, i.e. the environmental and social sustainability, the implementation
of our comprehensive and long-term programs will be continued and special attention will be paid to the stakeholder relations, our employees, regional, local and social associations to be dwelt on in detail below.

The creation of the sustainability report is an important team work organised in tight cooperation with our units reflecting well the operation and culture of our company.