Hungarian Marketing Association establishes Green Section
The newly created Green Section will serve as a platform for brands and companies that follow the principles of sustainability. Its goal is to draw the attention of marketing experts to sustainability and environmental impacts. To this end regular meetings will be held with opportunities for members to access the relevant information quickly and efficiently, to keep in touch, and to learn about best practices.
Our company was happy to join HMA’s newly formed Green Section. Our goal is to bring together those businesses that intend to take action for a more sustainable future.
“Active members are committed to shaping the marketing communications of activities aimed at creating a greener future.The Green Section of the Hungarian Marketing Association is brought to life for the future. Its objective is to encourage as many people as possible to not only think about the future, but to do something about it as well. The members are made up of marketing experts from companies that can express their responsibility for the future through their product developments, brands, communication and messages” – said Zsuzsanna Hermann, President of the Section, after the announcement of the formation.
It is a great honour for us that our company is included in the diverse group of founders, shoulder to shoulder with major brands such as Auchan Hungary, HUF-BAU Group, the Coca-Cola Company, and many others.
In addition to his position as founder, Zoltán Guth, our company’s Head of Communications, also holds the role of vice president in the Green Section.

Hungarian Marketing Association establishes Green Section.
Trade Magazin

Hungarian Marketing Association establishes Green Section.
Trade Magazin

Hungarian Marketing Association establishes Green Section.
Trade Magazin

MMSZ Zöld Tagozat logó.
Magyar Marketing Szövetség

Hungarian Marketing Association establishes Green Section.
Trade Magazin

Hungarian Marketing Association establishes Green Section.
Trade Magazin

Hungarian Marketing Association establishes Green Section.
Trade Magazin

MMSZ Zöld Tagozat logó.
Magyar Marketing Szövetség